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Welcome to Wake Forest University. Here you’ll find comprehensive campus maps to academic buildings, residence halls, parking, directions and more.

Wake Forest campus map

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Wake Forest University
1834 Wake Forest Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27109

Reynolda Campus


Alumni Hall5911 Forest Bridge Way
Benson University Center2120 Eure Dr.
Facilities Management3255 McPherson Rd.
North Campus Dining1440 Carroll Weathers Dr.
Palmer Hall1315 Carroll Weathers Dr.
Piccolo Hall1325 Carroll Weathers Dr.
Porter B. Byrum Welcome Center1580 Wake Forest Rd.
Reynolda Hall2130 Eure Dr.
ROTC Building1030 Paschal Dr.
Wait Chapel1834 Wake Forest Rd.
WakerSpace1225 Aaron Lane
Wellbeing Center3445 McPherson Rd.


Calloway Center3430 McPherson Rd.
Carswell Hall2320 Gulley Dr.
Dance Studio1625 Wake Forest Rd.
Farrell Hall1420 Carroll Weathers Dr.
Greene Hall3410 McPherson Rd.
Manchester Hall3430 McPherson Rd.
Olin Physical Laboratory2090 Eure Dr.
Salem Hall2440 Gulley Dr.
Scales Fine Arts Center1775 Wake Forest Rd.
Starling Hall1570 Wake Forest Rd.
Tribble Hall2350 Gulley Dr.
Winston Hall2445 Gulley Dr.
Worrell Professional Center1965 Wake Forest Rd.
Z. Smith Reynolds Library2100 Eure Dr.

Additional Addresses

A complete listing of Wake Forest addresses, including residence life and athletic facilities, can be downloaded below.

Visit our Campus Directory page for additional office and department contact information.